Dependence on

Dependence on用法


Coho Salmon Dependence on Intermittent Streams

Dependence on REM sleep of overnight improvement of a perceptual skill

Brain serotonin content: physiological dependence on plasmatryptophan levels.

Interneuron migration from basal forebrain to neocortex: dependence on Dlx genes.

Water Diffusion Changes in Wallerian Degeneration and Their Dependence on White Matter Architecture

Comparative epidemiology of dependence on tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances, and inhalants: Basic findings from the National C...

Solid-Solution Partitioning of Metals in Contaminated Soils:  Dependence on pH, Total Metal Burden, and Organic Matter

Synaptic Modifications in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: Dependence on Spike Timing, Synaptic Strength, and Postsynaptic Cell Type

The association between serum Lp(a) concentrations and angiographically assessed coronary atherosclerosis. Dependence on serum LDL l...

A review of normal tissue hydrogen NMR relaxation times and relaxation mechanisms from 1–100 MHz: Dependence on tissue type, NMR fr...