




嗅,闻( smell的过去式 );闻到;嗅出;觉察出


n.(名词)[U] 嗅觉the power of using the nose to discover the presence of gases in the air[C] 气味; 臭味a quality that has an effect on the nose; an unpleasant smell, odour[S] 嗅,闻an act of smelling sthv.(动词)vi. 嗅; 闻have or use the sense of the nosevt. 闻到; 嗅出notice, examine, discover, or recognize by this sensevt. & vi. 发出气味; 发出臭味give out a smell; give out a bad smell



n.the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form

"she loved the smell of roses"

同义词:odorodourolfactory sensationolfactory perception

any property detected by the olfactory system

同义词:olfactory propertyaromaodorodourscent

the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

"it had the smell of treason"


the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents

同义词:sense of smellolfactionolfactory modality

the act of perceiving the odor of something


v.inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory senseemit an odor

"The soup smells good"

smell bad

"He rarely washes, and he smells"



用作名词 (n.)动词+~bear the smell受得了这种气味give off a smell散发一种气味give out a smell散发一种气味have a smell有一种气味stand the smell受得了这种气味take a smell闻一闻形容词+~agreeable smell好闻的气味bad smell坏气味burnt smell焦味disagreeable smell难闻的气味musty smell霉味nice smell香味sick smell令人作呕的气味slight smell有点味strong smell浓烈的气味sweet smell香味,芳香介词+~track by smell凭嗅觉追踪sense of smell嗅觉~+介词smell of…的气味smell of cooking烧饭做菜的香味smell of gas煤气味用作动词 (v.)~+名词smell a rabbit闻到有兔子的味道smell gas闻到煤气味smell the ball嗅那个球状物smell the delicious odour闻到了香喷喷的味道smell these sweet flowers闻闻这些芬芳的花朵~+副词smell heavily难闻smell offensively难闻smell potently气味很烈smell sweetly闻起来很香smell about到处嗅,到处打听消息smell out嗅出,凭嗅觉发现,察觉smell out a secret察觉秘密smell out a thief(狗)靠其嗅觉找到贼smell round到处嗅,到处打听消息smell up使充满臭味smell up the whole apartment气味充满整套房间~+介词smell at对着…闻smell at a bottle对着瓶子闻一闻smell at a flower闻一朵花smell of散发出…气味,有…气味smell of fish有鱼腥味smell of paint有油漆味smell with noses用鼻子闻


smell of有…的气味;闻出…的味道

sweet smell闻起来香

sense of smell嗅觉

bad smell坏味道,坏气味

fishy smell鱼腥味,鱼臭

smell the flowers放松一下,休息一会儿

smell the coffee清醒过来,认识到事物的本质

smell out嗅出;察觉



用作名词(n.)The strong smell made me throw up.

这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。The cheese was emitting a strong smell.

干酪散发出强烈的气味。Dogs have a keen sense of smell.

狗的嗅觉很灵敏。Hydrogen has no colour, no taste and no smell.

氢气无色、无味、无嗅。用作动词(v.)Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs.

受过特殊训练的狗能嗅出毒品。I could smell that the milk was not fresh.

我闻得出牛奶不新鲜。The flowers smell sweet.

花朵散发芳香。The fish has begun to smell.

这鱼已经发臭了.The reporter began to smell a good story.



Perceptual interactions between characteristic notes smelled above aqueous solutions of odorant mixtures.

A man who pricked his finger and smelled putrid for 5 years

"Your Nose Has Again Smelled Right": Reflections on the Disputed Origin of Freud's Concept of Sublimation

Pool Sharks - Swimming: The Irish Woman Was a Surprise, the American a Record Breaker. Both Smelled Gold in the Water

Supreme Court Upholds Exigent-Circumstances Search of Apartment that Smelled of Pot

'They Smelled of Vomit and Booze and They Made the Air Turn Blue'

Flocked woven fabric with flattened flock fibers

Remembered odors and mental mixtures: tapping reservoirs of olfactory knowledge

A Representational Account of Olfactory Experience

Excretion and Perception of a Characteristic Odor in Urine after Asparagus Ingestion: a Psychophysical and Genetic Study