




n.(名词)[C]研究; 探讨careful study or investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or informationv.(动词)vi. 做研究,探究,研究,探讨do researchvt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究do research on or for sth



用作名词 (n.)动词+~begin research开始研究carry on research进行研究conduct research进行研究continue research继续研究do research做研究工作end research终止研究engage in research从事研究finance research为研究提供经费make researches进行科研promote research促进研究pursue research从事研究stimulate research激励研究stop research停止研究take up research开始研究形容词+~basic research基础研究careful research细心研究continuous research持续不断的研究deep research深入研究detailed research详细的研究exciting research振奋人心的研究fruitful research有成果的研究important research重要的研究independent research独立研究life-long research毕生的研究medical research医学研究original research有独创性的研究,最初的研究scholarly research学术研究scientific research科学研究the latest research最新的研究thorough research彻底研究名词+~animal research动物研究market research市场调查,市场研究operations research运筹学public opinion research民意测验space research太空研究介词+~be engaged in research从事研究工作~+介词research after〔for〕为寻求…而进行的调查research after facts为寻找事实而进行的调查research in〔into〕对…的研究research into a problem研究问题research on对…的研究用作动词 (v.)~+名词research the cause of the disease研究病因~+副词research carefully仔细研究research fully充分研究~+介词research into sth就…研究research on sth对…研究〔探讨〕


用作名词(n.)We all support his scientific research.

我们都支持他的科学研究。Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.

研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。My research is just bouncing along at present.

目前我的调查进展得很顺利。用作动词(v.)They have been researching the effects of the drug on mice.

他们一直在研究老鼠对这种药物的反应。He needs to research about the coffee market.

他需要对咖啡市场进行调查。We should get down to research more earnestly.



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