systematic training model

systematic training model音标

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk ˈtrenɪŋ ˈmɑdl]

systematic training model翻译



systematic training model用法


Systematic strength training as a model of therapeutic intervention. A controlled trial in postmenopausal women with osteopenia

Training as a Necessary Pre-Condition of Education: The Development and Generalization of a Systematic Resource Training Model.

Developing a systematic evaluation approach for training programs within a train-the-trainer model for youth cognitive behavior ther...

A model of personal professional development in the systematic training of clinical psychologists

Effect of Face-to-face Education, Problem-based Learning, and Goldstein Systematic Training Model on Quality of Life and Fatigue amo...

The Systematic Training Model: Corn Circles in Search of a Spaceship?.

Systematic training model for teaching, development and training of instructors in inguinal hernia treatment using the Lichtenstein ...

Call for coordinated and systematic training load measurement (and progression) in athlete development: a conceptual model with prac...

A Systematic Training Model for an Evolving Workforce

A Systematic Training Model for an Evolving Workforce