


vt., vi.telegram的变形


n.[美国英语]电报vt., vi.(向…)发电报短语: milk a telegram [俚语]窃取拍发给他人的电报变形:

vt., vi. telegrammed.telegramming


n.(名词)[C]电报a message sent by telegraph



Franz Rudolf Bornewasser

Hooray for Hollywood: Onomastic Techniques in Bemelmans' Dirty Eddie

On the observation of the Annular Solar eclipse in Indo-China on 16 march 1904.Report to General meeting of the RAS 28 october 1904

Observations de l'éclipse annulaire du Soleil du 16-17 mars 1904 à Pnom-Penh (Cambodge) (avec 2 phototypies)

The 15 Bicol Martyrs 110th Anniversary

Telegrami za komunikacijo med napravami v industrijskih omrežjih

Mao Ze-dong Paid Close Attention to Luoyang

Telegrami za komunikacijo med napravami v industrijskih omrežjih : diplomsko delo

Sveriges ekonomi : struktur och utvecklingstendenser

Osteopathic community generally opposes plans to add MD degree at Texas med school



Franz Rudolf Bornewasser

Hooray for Hollywood: Onomastic Techniques in Bemelmans' Dirty Eddie

On the observation of the Annular Solar eclipse in Indo-China on 16 march 1904.Report to General meeting of the RAS 28 october 1904

Observations de l'éclipse annulaire du Soleil du 16-17 mars 1904 à Pnom-Penh (Cambodge) (avec 2 phototypies)

The 15 Bicol Martyrs 110th Anniversary

Telegrami za komunikacijo med napravami v industrijskih omrežjih

Mao Ze-dong Paid Close Attention to Luoyang

Telegrami za komunikacijo med napravami v industrijskih omrežjih : diplomsko delo

Sveriges ekonomi : struktur och utvecklingstendenser

Osteopathic community generally opposes plans to add MD degree at Texas med school