


[人名] 阿祖尔;



Contamination of Mediterranean (Côte d'Azur) coastal waters by organotins and irgarol 1051 used in antifouling paints

Determination of DNA by its enhancement effect of resonance light scattering by azur A

Study of the interaction of Azur B with DNA and the determination of DNA based on resonance light scattering measurements

Hepatitis C virus infection among chronic dialysis patients in the southeast of France. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Nephrologists Gr...

Catalogue of tsunamis generated in Italy and in C te d'Azur, France: a step towards a unified catalogue of tsunamis in Europe

Wastewater discharge, seagrass decline and algal proliferation on the côte d'Azur

Mechanism of Interference and Azur A Response in the Heparin Assay

Asthme professionnel : incidence des declarations dans la region provence-alpes-cote d'azur en 1986, 1987 et 1988 : tableaux du regi...

Multiple Regression in Behavioral Research 2

Use of chrome azurol S reagents to evaluate siderophore production by rhizosphere bacteria.