




(使)作汽笛声响,作汽车喇叭声( hoot的现在分词 );倒好儿;倒彩;



n.a loud raucous cry (as of an owl)a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt

同义词:booBronx cheerhissraspberryrazzingrazzsnortbird

something of little value

同义词:damndarnred centshitshuckstinker's damntinker's dam

v.to utter a loud clamorous shout

"the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance"

utter the characteristic sound of owls



用作名词(n.)In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her.

在一串尖声鸣叫的喇叭声中,他快速地跑向她。We heard the distant hoot of an owl in the woods.

我们听到远处树林里猫头鹰的叫声。I don't care one single hoot what you said about him; I like him.

你说的关于他的话我一点也不在乎,我就是喜欢他。His proposal isn't worth a hoot.

他的建议毫无价值。You ought to meet her, she's a hoot.

你应该见见她,她笑料十足。It sounds like a hoot and one can only hope that this TV program gets picked up here, too.

这听起来像是一部令人捧腹的电视剧,我只希望在这里也能播放。用作动词(v.)There is again a traffic jam at the crossroads and many people hoot to protest restlessly.

十字路口又堵车了,很多人烦躁地鸣笛抗议。As Owen made no response to the invitations, the crowd began to hoot.

欧文没有理睬他们的请求,因此大伙儿开始起哄。Whenever the chairman tried to explain at the meeting he was hooted off.



Hooting : Messages from an Owl

Hooting modes in a CO 2 waveguide laser

Hooting modes in a CO/sub 2/ waveguide laser

Hooting: Public and Popular Discourse About Sex Discrimination

A Study on the Hooting of Aluminum Sheet by Full-Bridge Resonant Inverter

The acoustic structure of chimpanzee pant-hooting facilitates chorusing

Individually Distinct Hooting in Male Pygmy Owls Glaucidium passerinum: A Multivariate Approach

Effect of etiolation and plant growth substances on hooting of air-layers in Litchi

Squawking, tweeting, cooing, and hooting: analyzing the communication patterns of government agencies on Twitter

Differential responses of territorial Tawny Owls Strix aluco to the hooting of neighbours and strangers