

英 [ˈgɒspl]

美 [ˈgɑspl]









n.(名词)[S]《新约》四福音书;福音(the life and teaching of Jesus as recorded in) the first four books of the New Testament[C]新约四福音书之一any one of these books[S]原则,主义,信条a set of principles[U]真理,真实sth which is completely true[U]福音音乐religious music of black American origin in a popular or folk style


gospel[ 'ɡɔspəl ]

n.the four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings


an unquestionable truth

"his word was gospel"

同义词:gospel truth

folk music consisting of a genre of a cappella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response; influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul)

同义词:gospel singing

the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group

同义词:religious doctrinechurch doctrinecreed

a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance

"Newton's writings were gospel for those who followed"



用作名词 (n.)~+名词gospel singer唱福音歌曲的人


用作名词(n.)The man was preaching the Gospel.

此人在传布福音。Today there is another gospel being preached.

当今世代,所传讲的福音已是另一个福音。We took the teacher's words as gospel.

我们把老师的话当作真理。Then Paul re-iterates the great facts of the Gospel once more.



Conservation and the gospel of efficiency; the progressive conservation movement, 1890-1920.

Conservation And The Gospel Of Efficiency:The Progressive Conservation Movement, 1890–1920

The Gospel Oak Study: prevalence rates of dementia, depression and activity limitation among elderly residents in Inner London

Impairment, disability and handicap as risk factors for depression in old age. The Gospel Oak Project V.

Social support deficits, loneliness and life events as risk factors for depression in old age. The Gospel Oak Project VI.

Smoking, drinking, and incident cognitive impairment: a cohort community based study included in the Gospel Oak project

On the Immortality of Television Sets: “Function” in the Human Genome According to the Evolution-Free Gospel of ENCODE

On the immortality of television sets: 鈥渇unction鈥in the human genome according to the evolution-free gospel of ENCODE

On the Immortality of Television Sets: 鈥淔unction鈥in the Human Genome According to the Evolution-Free Gospel of ENCODE

Global Secondary Prevention Strategies to Limit Event Recurrence After Myocardial Infarction: Results of the GOSPEL Study, a Multice...