foster parents

foster parents翻译




foster parent

n.a person who acts as parent and guardian for a child in place of the child's natural parents but without legally adopting the child


foster parents用法


The foster parents of a boy with cerebral palsy are pleading for his safe return.

一位患有脑瘫的男孩的养父母正在为他能平安回家而祈祷。I have two sets of parents, my adopted parents and my birth parents.



Enhanced services and stipends for foster parents: Effects on retention rates and outcomes for children.

Effects of a foster parent training intervention on placement changes of children in foster care

Predictors of foster parents' satisfaction and intent to continue to foster

A Comparison of Family Foster Parents Who Quit, Consider Quitting, and Plan to Continue Fostering

Kinship foster parents' perceptions of factors that promote or inhibit successful fostering ☆

Current Status and Evidence Base of Training for Foster and Treatment Foster Parents

Foster parent and teacher assessments of youth in kinship and non-kinship foster care placements: are behaviors perceived differentl...

Interventions for foster parents: implications for developmental theory

Intervention effects on foster parent stress: associations with child cortisol levels

Effects of a Foster Parent Training Program on Young Children's Attachment Behaviors: Preliminary Evidence from a Randomized Clinica...