stand by something

stand by something用法


Looking Upon the Water : In Those Days When It Cost Something to Stand by The Flag

D.C. Children Stand By Their Mayor; Barry `Did Something Wrong' but Wasn't Alone in Misdeeds, Youngsters Say

At last, something to love in the afternoon; Stand by for a new era as BBC1 boots away sad, seventies reruns in favourite of origina...

So far, you have been judged only by people (including yourself).Are you prepared to be judged by something else?Can you stand for y...

“A Literature Which Can Stand by Itself”

Stand By Your Girl

Allsopp plans to stand by Kenya

Stand by for Chip and Run!

Stand by Lyme setbacks on turbines

Townsfolk Stand by President Bush Support Runs High for US Military Response to Mideast Crisis in Tiny Town of Hancock, Md. `DO SOME...